If you have never played the Monster Hunter series, you really are missing out on one of the most unique and popular franchises currently on the video game market.

For those unfamiliar with the Monster Hunter series, the title really does sum up the game play: you are a hunter who wields a large weapon that you use to slay great dragons and reptiles after you hunt them.

The concept is pretty simple.  But there is a lot of depth hidden behind this visage of simplicity.  As you play, you’ll find yourself crafting new weapons and armor from the remains of the creature you stalk.  You’ll build useful items and traps, and discover all manner new tricks that will help you fight and slay the beasts you hunt.

It’s very addicting and fun.

This recipe of addicting and fun gameplay has made it the best selling franchise numerous times in Japan.  New entries of the series often sell millions of copies in a single week.

Which meant it was only  a matter of time before someone tried to copy it.

Enter Hunter Blade, something I can only call a blatant rip off.  Hunter Blade is not just an imitation, it IS Monster Hunter.  Sure it’s made by a Chinese company and has some slight differences, but overall its the same.  Adding to this, Hunter Blade changes just enough stuff to avoid being sued into oblivion by Capcom.  Honestly, I don’t know how.  Even when watching game play of each side by side, it’s hard to see a difference.

Certainly, Capcom cannot stop companies from making games that have monster hunting in them.  After all, the series is successful and imitation is the best form of flattery. But is this okay? Really?

Monster Hunter Gameplay

Hunter Blade