I love the music in video games.

No matter how good the story is, no matter how excellent the gameplay is, no matter how good the voice acting is, a game is just not complete without a strong soundtrack.  Think of all the great games you have played.  Skyrim, Shadow of the Colossus, Mario, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill.  You may not have noticed it at the time, but the music was there, churning in the background as it carefully set the tone. Music is the key to a dramatic moment and without it, the game would feel just a little bit off.  Try playing with the music turned off sometime in a game.  You’ll notice instantly the entire game will feel a little different.

Interestingly, studies show that music is the number one cause for memories of nostalgia.

This week at Wine Cheese and Video Games, we will be posting a different score from a different game each day for you to enjoy.  We are going to you just how powerful, and extremely good, video game music is;  And how it really is a shame that great composers like Jeremy Soule and Harry Gregson-Williams often times don’t receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work.

Today’s song is the title track from Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3.  Hope you enjoy this week.